Thursday, August 18, 2005

Treehouse of Horrors


It is a no brainer for a metal band, especially one with costumes like mine to want to play shows on Halloween. However this is starting to create more stress than anything else.

So we've been offered a few shows so far. One is all the way on the Upper East Side where noone goes to shows, the other is above a strip club in the Financial District where noone goes to shows.

We are actually debating in the band, what is more rock and roll, the UES or 2 blocks below Ground Zero. We have also pro-actively approached a couple of the Metal friendly clubs in that nice downtown east side sweet spot to see if we can get in on some hot Halloween action.

So easy enough, right? We try to get the best show possible, with some less than ideal gigs as backup so that we know we have some sort of halloween gig as a backup.
If only things could be that simple. Our singer wants to try to play as many Halloween gigs as we can. He thinks we are too perfect for this time of year, almost being the Metal X-mas, that we should take any and all Halloween gigs. This however will probably hurt draw for all the shows. But does that matter? Financial district club will build statues of us in our honor if we draw 15 people. We don't know if we even NEED to draw the UES club. The worst that could happen there is we don't get paid.

The band is currently divided as to whether we continue trying to limit the time between gigs so as not to oversaturate ourselves or if the idea of oversaturation is even relevant at our stage in the game.

Do we take anything we get offered, or really try hard to only play shows that "count"?